2024 Halloween Event

From All Out Hell Wiki

This is a page that gives info on the 2024 Halloween event. Seeing as this event is timed and only available during Halloween, I will be providing the item info on where to find stuff

Important note - There is one new building type that hus sprung up out of nowhere - it is the Evil Cabin and is located at 515,504 in Beachwood.

Halloween 2024 Info[edit]

Name Weapon Hitpoints Location(s) Potential Drops Notes
Cellar Creature Claws, Cursed Dagger 115 The Cellar Evil Recording Tape, Ancient Tome of Forbidden Knowledge, Animal Remains, Candy Corn, Severed Head Inflicts Terrified
Dandy Jack Pumpkin Staff 180 Evil Cabin Candle, Pumpkin, Pumpkin Staff, Hardened Pumpkin Flesh, Ancient Tome of Forbidden Knowledge Description implies that they create Spider Pumpkins
Dream Demon Bladed Glove 90 Hospitals Bladed Glove, Green and Blue Sweater, Fedora ???
Explosive Spider Pumpkin Spider Leg, Pumpkin Bomb 34 Evil Cabin but moves around Pumpkin, Candle, Sharp Pedipalp, explosive material might explode when dying
Killer Doll Knife 65 Toystores Large Wooden Doll, Killer Doll's Knife, Stawberry Blood, Sour Brain, Overalls Inflicts Weakened
Plague Doctor Plague Needle, Amputation Knife 55 Helix Buildings but can move anywhere Plague Doctor Injector, Plague Doctor Mask, Plague Doctor Robes, Revival Serum, Amputation Knife Plague doctors can revive you like helix researchers
So Called Witch Witches Staff 60 Cemetery Witch Hat, Witches Cauldron, Witches Staff, Toe of Frog, Wool of Bat, Adder's Fork, Blind Worm, Tongue of Dog Inflicts Dazed
Spider Pumpkin Teeth, Spider Leg 34 Evil Cabin, but they move Pumpkin, Candle, Sharp Pedipalp ???
Reanimated Hand Hands 10 The Cellar ???
Trick or Treater Mouth 42 Anywhere in the city Alien Mask, Pumpkin Costume, Trick Or Treat Bag, Lagoon Creature Mask, Blue Squirrel Costume, Witch Hat, Werewolf Mask, Zombie Mask, Vampire Mask, Vampire Bat, Scarecrow Costume, Jack O lantern Mask, Ghost Costume, Sour Gummy Apples, Candied Apple, Candy Corn, Sour Brain, Strawberry Blood, Peanut Butter Cups, Pack of Candy Blood, Pack of Gummy Aliens, Dead Trick Or Treater ???
Vampire Bat Fangs 30 ??? Wool of Bat ???

Items to be found on Halloween
Item Description Damage Hit Chance Location or Drop Notes Type
Amputation Knife Cuts off Limbs 5-8 50% Plague Doctor ??? Bladed Weapon
Bang Stick Groovy 8-12 56% Crafted Holds 5 shots Ranged Weapon
Bladed Glove "Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones, But Nothing Will Ever Kill Me." 4-8 50% Dream Demon Chance to inflict Lethargic Bladed Weapon
Cursed Dagger Cursed Stabby Thing 3-5 60% Cellar Creature Chance to inflict Terrified Bladed Weapon
Jack O Lantern Blade Its Sharp and IT BURNS 4-8 60% Crafted Chance to inflict Burning Bladed Weapon
Killer Doll's Knife Stabby thing 5-8 50% Killer Doll Chance to inflict Bleeding, Hemorrhage Bladed weapon
Metal Drill Ball Its Hard, Shiny and Round. And makes Drill Noises 5-7 60% Morgue ??? Thrown Weapon
Pumpkin It's Orange and Round 4-8 25% Dandy Jack, Spider Pumpkins ??? Thrown Weapon
Pumpkin Bomb Explodes ~8 N/A Crafted ??? Trap
Pumpkin Staff Its Magic!! 5-6 61% Dandy Jack Chance to inflict Rotting, Terrified Blunt Weapon
Pumpkin Tentacle Ultimate Tentacle Weapon 3-7 51% Crafted Chance to inflict Rotting, Terrified Blunt Weapon
Severed Head Severed Head Weapon 4-7 50% Cellar Creature Chance to daze Blunt Weapon
Trick Or Treat Bag Its large and Heavy and filled with tasty things 0 100% Trick or Treater Joke weapon Blunt Weapon
Witches Staff Its Also Magic!! 4-6 55% So Called Witch Chance to inflict Dazed, Infatuated Blunt Weapon
Wooden Doll Wanna Play? 4-5 50% Killer Doll ??? Blunt Weapon
Alien Mask You can wear it N/A N/A Trick or Treater ??? Clothing
Blue Squirrel Costume You can wear it N/A N/A Trick or Treater ??? Clothing
Fedora You can wear it N/A N/A Dream Demon ??? Clothing
Ghost Costume You can wear it N/A N/A Trick or Treater ??? Clothing
Green and Blue Sweater You can wear it N/A N/A Dream Demon ??? Clothing
Jack O lantern Mask You can wear it N/A N/A Trick or Treater ??? Clothing
Lagoon Creature Mask You can wear it N/A N/A Trick or Treater ??? Clothing
Plague Doctor Mask You can wear it N/A N/A Plague Doctor ??? Clothing
Plague Doctor Robe You can wear it N/A N/A Plague Doctor ??? Clothing
Pumpkin Armor You can wear it N/A N/A Crafted ??? Armor
Pumpkin Costume You can wear it N/A N/A Trick or Treater ??? Clothing
Pumpkin Helmet You can wear it N/A N/A Crafted ??? Helmet
Scarecrow Costume You can wear it N/A N/A Trick or Treater ??? Clothing
Vampire Mask You can wear it N/A N/A Trick or Treater ??? Clothing
Werewolf Mask You can wear it N/A N/A Trick or Treater ??? Clothing
Witch Hat You can wear it N/A N/A Trick or Treater and So Called Witch ??? Clothing
Zombie Mask You can wear it N/A N/A Trick or Treater ??? Clothing
Ancient Tome of Forbidden Knowledge Reading this summons demons N/A N/A Dandy Jack, Cellar Creature ??? Crafting Material
Candle You can light it up N/A N/A Dandy Jack, Spider Pumpkins ??? Crafting Material
Explosive Material Bomb Making Material N/A N/A Explosive Spider Pumpkin ??? Crafting Material
Evil Recording Tape Don't turn it on its EVIL N/A N/A Cellar Creature ??? Crafting Material
Hardened Pumpkin Flesh Its really hard N/A N/A Dandy Jack ??? Crafting Material
Sharp Pedipalp Its Spindly and Sharp N/A N/A Spider Pumpkins ??? Crafting Material
Adders Fork Brewing N/A N/A So Called Witch ??? Crafting Material
Blind Worm Brewing N/A N/A So Called Witch ??? Crafting Material
Toe of Frog Brewing N/A N/A So Called Witch ??? Crafting Material
Tongue of Dog Brewing N/A N/A So Called Witch ??? Crafting Material
Witches Cauldron Brewing N/A N/A So Called Witch ??? Crafting Material
Wool of Bat Brewing N/A N/A So Called Witch ??? Crafting Material
Undead Witches Brew You Brewed it N/A N/A Crafted ??? Food
Witches Brew You Brewed It N/A N/A Crafted??? ??? Food
Candied Apple You can eat it N/A N/A Trick or Treater ??? Food
Candy Corn You can eat it N/A N/A Cellar Creature ??? Food
Pack of Candy Blood You can eat it N/A N/A Trick or Treater ??? Food
Pack of Gummy Aliens You can eat it N/A N/A Trick or Treater ??? Food
Peanut Butter Cups You can eat it N/A N/A Trick or Treater ??? Food
Sour Brain You can eat it N/A N/A Trick or Treater ??? Food
Sour Gummy Apples You can eat it N/A N/A Trick or Treater ??? Food
Stawberry Blood You can eat it N/A N/A Trick or Treater ??? Vamp Food
Plague Doctor Injector Revive with it N/A N/A Plague Doctor 4 Shot Capacity Revival Item
Revival Serum Revive with it N/A N/A Plague Doctor ??? Revival Item

2024 Halloween crafting recipes
Item Inputs Crafting Location AP Cost Craftable By Damage Status Effects To Hit (Max) Type
Bang Stick Sawed Off Shotgun, Evil Recording Tape, Ancient Tome of Forbidden Knowledge Evil Cabin 8 Humans 8-12 ??? 56% Ranged
Jack O Lantern Blade Pumpkin, Candle, Sharp Pedipalp Anywhere 6 Humans 4-8 Burning 60% Bladed
Pumpkin Armor 4 Hardened Pumpkin Flesh, Pumpkin, Candle, Ancient Tome of Forbidden Knowledge Anywhere 8 Anybody ??? ??? ??? Armor
Pumpkin Bomb Pumpkin, Explosive Material Anywhere 5 Humans ??? ??? ??? Trap
Pumpkin Helmet 2 hardened pumpkin flesh, 1 Pumpkin, Army Helmet ??? 8 Anywhere ??? ??? ??? Helmet
Pumpkin Tentacle Pumpkin, Ancient Tome of Forbidden Knowledge, Dark Tentacle Anywhere 8 Anybody 3-7 Rotting, Terrified 51%
Undead Brew Witches Cauldron, Wool of Bat, Toe of Frog, Tongue of Dog, Adders Fork, Blind Worm Anywhere 5 Anybody ??? Heals Most Status Effects ??? Undead Food
Witches Brew Brew Witches Cauldron, Wool of Bat, Toe of Frog, Tongue of Dog, Adders Fork, Blind Worm Anywhere 5 Humans ??? Heals Most Status Effects ??? Food